I have to send a big shout out to my booth neighbors, all who helped out in various ways, especially when the mini cyclone of armageddon passed through McCarren Park! Kimberly of Chez Sucre Chez ...

... Mel of Spread the Love ...

and Mimi Kirchner who is an Etsy celebrity! I can see why - check out these amazing tattoo dolls! (Here's a video about her) I am so crushing on her mustachioed circus men ...

oh, and I how can I forget to thank the awesome marching band, the "What Cheer? Brigade" ...
and the amazing Magnolia Photo booth that was parked across from us!

Fun times all around! Funny how when you are in the middle of car fire (not ours) traffic, covered in sweat, it's about to hail a tornado, and your feet are so ungodly dirty you say how you'll never do one of these fairs again. But now when I look back it was so fun and I can't wait to do another one!
1 comment:
i love seeing all the renegade booth photos around blogland...sososo cute!
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