
netflix it. now.

I think this is the single most insane/inspiring thing a human being as ever done. that's a big statement considering I just watched a video of guys jumping out of an airplane with handmade flying squirrel suits...

The doc is called Man on Wire, about a frenchie who tightropes between the twin towers in the 70's, quite a fitting film tribute to the fallen towers. no parashoot, no net, no video crew. he did it just to do it. and he pissed of the cops by crossing back and forth 8 times, turning each time they tried to grab him! yea! The next time you feel daunted by a huge task, sit back and laugh at yourself, and think of this guy ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will second the command to netflix this movie! I saw it in a theater and was mesmerized--the singleminded passion was both amazing and scary!